Chuyaza HCV Assessment Report, Tsay Keh Dene Territory, British Columbia, Canada


Chris Raynham

Formerly Licensed Assessor:

Chris Raynham

Organization Commissioning Assessment:

Tsay Keh Dene Nation


HCV Assessment




Notes on the Report:

The HCVN Secretariat has accepted a request to not publish the satisfactory report “Chuyaza (Helicopter Lakes) High Conservation Value (HCV) Assessment Report, Tsay Keh Dene Nation, British Columbia, Canada”. The request from the Tsay Keh Dene Nation was accepted based on Principle 4 of the HCV Approach, which states that “when implementing the HCV Approach, the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of affected indigenous peoples (IPs) and/or local communities (LCs) is obtained”. Members of the public can contact the Tsay Keh Dene Nation about this report and request access to a public summary and video documenting the assessment process to the following email addresses: and The following note and link have been provided by the Tsay Keh Dene Nation: Tsay Keh Den Nation (TKDN) commissioned the production of a HCV assessment for the Chuyaza area with the following goals: • Communicate with forestry, mining and other industry actors who may seek to operate in TKDN Territory the importance of protecting or enhancing the HCVs that exist in the Chuyaza area. • Develop a plan for Chuyaza that inscribes TKDN knowledge, values, and wisdom into long-term provisions for the management of cultural, ecological, spiritual, and ceremonial interests. The Nation has decided to refrain from publishing the HCV assessment to protect the confidentiality of sensitive cultural information, traditional ecological knowledge and Indigenous intellectual property. Confidentiality ensures that the way of life, culture and interests of Tsay Keh Dene are not harmed or undermined. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to review the Chuyaza HCV assessment public summary and video documenting the assessment process, approved by TKDN Chief and Council. Chief Johnny Pierre Tsay Keh Dene Nation

Click on each stage to display more information.
Date of Submission:

January 12, 2024

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

February 15, 2024

Feedback Accepted:

Date of Appeal:

Appeal Result:

Date of Appeal Result:

Size of Development Area (in ha):


Deadline for Resubmission:

June 15, 2024

Date Resubmitted:

June 14, 2024

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

July 26, 2024

Response to QP Feedback:

Date of Appeal:

Date of Appeal Result:

Appeal Result:

Deadline for Resubmission:

Date Resubmitted:

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

Response to QP Feedback:

Date of Appeal:

Date of Appeal Result:

Appeal Result:

Size of Development Area (in ha):


Total Conservation Area (in ha):


HCVs and Area Identified by HCV:

Pale colours represent HCV areas in the original version of the report.  Bright colours represent HCV areas in the satisfactory report (after quality assurance).

Date of Submission:

January 12, 2024

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

February 15, 2024

Feedback Accepted:

Date of Appeal:

Appeal Result:

Date of Appeal Result:

Size of Development Area (in ha):


Deadline for Resubmission:

June 15, 2024

Date Resubmitted:

June 14, 2024

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

July 26, 2024

Response to QP Feedback:

Date of Appeal:

Date of Appeal Result:

Appeal Result:

Deadline for Resubmission:

Date Resubmitted:

QP Feedback:

Date of QP Feedback:

Response to QP Feedback:

Date of Appeal:

Date of Appeal Result:

Appeal Result:

Size of Development Area (in ha):


Total Conservation Area (in ha):


HCVs and Area Identified by HCV:

Pale colours represent HCV areas in the original version of the report.  Bright colours represent HCV areas in the satisfactory report (after quality assurance).

Date of Submission:

January 12, 2024

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

February 15, 2024

Feedback Accepted:

Date of Appeal:

Appeal Result:

Date of Appeal Result:

Size of Development Area (in ha):


Total Conservation Area (in ha):


Deadline for Resubmission:

June 15, 2024

Date Resubmitted:

June 14, 2024

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

July 26, 2024

Response to QP Feedback:

Date of Appeal:

Date of Appeal Result:

Appeal Result:

Deadline for Resubmission:

Date Resubmitted:

QP Feedback:


Date of QP Feedback:

Response to QP Feedback:

Date of Appeal:

Date of Appeal Result:

Appeal Result:

Size of Development Area (in ha):


Total Conservation Area (in ha):


HCVs and Area Identified by HCV:

Pale colours represent HCV areas in the original version of the report.  Bright colours represent HCV areas in the satisfactory report (after quality assurance).






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