Cotton is the most widespread profitable non-food crop in the world, providing an income for more than 250 million people worldwide. Cotton farming does, however, have significant environmental impacts related to water consumption, the conversion of habitat for cotton farming and the use of agrochemicals.In 2018, for the first time the High Conservation Value Approach was introduced into the Better Cotton standard. The HCV Network collaborated with Better Cotton to develop a series of tools to implement these new requirements. This included a simplified HCV risk-assessment to be used by farmers to identify whether HCVs are likely to be present on their farms.Each year, Better Cotton trains growers on the standard and sustainable agricultural practices. In November, Olivia Scholtz from the HCV Network Secretariat, joined Better Cotton's annual training for Implementing Partners in Mozambique. The objective was to train the partners and field technicians on the HCV risk assessment.Participants were receptive to the new HCV requirements, recognizing that it provides important environmental and social safe-guards. The HCV training materials will be used in future training programs led by Better Cotton and will be adapted into online training material as part of Better Cotton's global training system.